Our Awards

Ut dignissim condimentum erat sit amet pellentesque. Aenean lacus mi, lobortis et sem interdum, ultrices tincidunt felis. Praesent lacinia cursus arcu, id ultricies leo viverra in. Phasellus rutrum nibh eu mollis dapibus. Aenean auctor quam lorem, a pulvinar odio finibus ut. Vivamus commodo pulvinar quam, vel porta lorem vestibulum ut. Proin arcu lorem, volutpat id justo et, venenatis ullamcorper tellus. Vivamus fringilla dolor quis urna tristique aliquet. Praesent a tortor dignissim, molestie eros non, porta enim. Nullam at mattis neque. Nunc ut tellus sit amet justo feugiat condimentum quis dapibus mauris. Praesent nulla metus, posuere nec mollis quis, semper eu odio. Proin eget nisi suscipit, dignissim risus et, tincidunt nulla.

South America Tour Complete Awarded for completing the South America tour.
Cargo Hubs Tour Complete Awarded for completing the Cargo Hubs tour.
Challenging Airports Tour Complete Awarded for completing the Challenging Airports tour.
Caribbean Tour Complete Awarded for completing the Caribbean tour.
Oceanic Tour Complete Awarded for completing the Oceanic tour.
Far East Tour Complete Awarded for completing the Far East tour.
Middle East Tour Complete Awarded for completing the Middle East tour.
Africa Tour Complete Awarded for completing the Africa tour.
North America Tour Complete Awarded for completing the North America tour.
Europe Tour Complete Awarded for completing the Europe tour.
Pilot of the Month This award is given to a pilot who is deemed to have excelled. This award is based on hours, sorties, and landing rates.
100 Hours This award is presented to pilots who have completed 100 hours with Giant Virtual Cargo
The Trifecta This award is presented to pilots who fly three days in a row
Heavy Hauler This is awarded for those who transport over 5,000,000 lbs of cargo